Monday, November 23, 2009

on Books, fictionally speaking

I just learned today that November is National Book Month. Too late for me to know since it's already the 23rd of November. Had I known about it earlier, I should have done some sort of commemmorating the existence of what for me is man's most wonderful creation-- books.

But I guess late is better than never. So in the spirit of my love for books, I scribbled down my favorite books of all times:

1. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I read this short novel when I was in grade two. This small book was brought home by Mama one day, I don't remember when. The book still rests on my book shelf up to this day.

2. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. Again, Mom's prescription. I didn't get the message of the book not until I read it several times during gradeschool. Uh, and I think I lost whatever concept I had conjured out of its pages when I grew up. But the work somehow made its way through my system that I would list Hemingway as one of the best writers I have ever fictionally met.

3. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. For all its sense and sensibility.

4. My Antonia by Willa Cather. I thought of naming my female child after the main character in this book.

5. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. For all its vivid and ironic imageries.

6. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Again, dramatic.

7. Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul. This book was a gift from a friend who knows my passion and love for writing. When are we having the Chicken Soup for the Readers' Soul?

8. Vagina Monologue by Eve Ensler and Castel of Crossed Destinies by Italo Calvino. Ma'am Amy's prescription when I was at the crossroad of my college life.

9. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I read it several times. It's definitely something recommended for everyone.

10. Jules Verne's series. Books Mom brought home for me to while away the hour after school.

I'll add more when titles creep on my head in a later time.

Happy National Book Month!

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